Hello :))
This is my third activity for the SLJ. This task was to create a Christmas ornament on google draw. I found this task easy. Here is my ornament ↓
Hello :))
This is my third activity for the SLJ. This task was to create a Christmas ornament on google draw. I found this task easy. Here is my ornament ↓
Hii :),
This is my second SLJ blogging activity. The task was to create a 'Geometree' using straight lines and colouring markers. I found this task time consuming and probably would prefer not to do it again.
← Here is my geometree
Hello :)
This is my second activity for the Term 3 blogging challenge. Activity 6 was to complete a scavenger hunt. There were 14 things to look for.
Here are my results ↓
Hello :),
This is my first activity for our term three blogging challenge. Activity 4 was to create a poster helping people keep safe this summer. I chose to make a poster on identifying a heat stroke. A Heat stroke, otherwise known as a sun stroke, is the result of one's body temperature exceeding 40.0 °C (104.0 °F).
Here's my poster ↓
Wearing loose fitting, lightweight clothing, Wearing tight or excess clothing won’t allow your body to cool properly.
Applying sunscreen regularly, wearing a sunhat and sunglasses, Apply your sunscreen generously, and reapply every two hours -or more often if you’re swimming.
Drink plenty of fluids, Staying hydrated will help your body sweat and maintain a normal body temperature.
Don’t leave anyone else or yourself locked in a parked car, When parked in the sun, the temperature in your car can raise over 11 °C and over 20 °F, this is a common cause of heat-related deaths in children.
Be cautious if you’re at risk, If you take any medications or have a condition that increases your chances of contracting a heat-related problem, avoid the heat and act quickly if you notice symptoms of overheating.
Treating a Heat stroke includes lowering body temperature with convection or evaporation. Move the victim to a cold place, such as indoors, or under a shaded area. Clothing should be removed to promote heat loss and conductive cooling methods such as ice water immersion should also be used. Cold water spray compression's and constant air flow over the body, such as fanning or air conditioning is also an effective alternative.
Our task today was to write an ending to an Aesop fable with the moral In unity is strength . The fable is originally about three brothers who can never get along.
Here's mine ↓
Today our task was to write the problem arising to an image. This is the one we used ⬇
The frigid, dull and imprisoning ambiance of base was becoming slightly familiar. We have only been here about a week since the attack and I already feel like I’m living with a second family.
I drove my bike through the rough terrain slowly making my way to the shack where I would take a break from patrol. ‘Finally’ I quietly thought to myself as I parked my bike on the side of the shack. Jumping off my bike I sauntered into the shack and gently placed my helmet on the table.
Along my arrival I was greeted by some of my most fellow comrades, Ellis, Emery, Briar and Haven. Greetings over we got straight to work, discussing new ideas and safety methods to protect the ill-fated villagers.
As soon as it started, it was over. Heading out I noticed something inky float across the sky, consumed by wonder I leaped onto my bike and raced towards the same direction as the dusky object.
I stopped. What is that?
Today I finished up yesterdays task which was to write a free verse poem. A free verse poem is poetry with absolutely no rules.
Our task today was to write a cinquain poem about a certain animal of our choice. I chose a monkey.
A cinquain poem order goes :
1st sentence the subject
2nd sentence 2 adjectives that relate to the subject
3rd sentence 3 action verbs relating to the subject ending in 'ing'
4th sentence a 4 word phrase about the subject
5th sentence a synonym for the subject
Here is mine ⬇️
Today our task was to write and publish a haiku about nature. I found this task harder then I thought it would be when I tried different combinations of syllables. Next time I would try a more complex haiku possibly with a different topic.
This activity was to use the story starter and image to write a short story. I didn't really have a plot idea so I just wrote a little bit about 'someone's' first steps in animal town.
Here it is ⬇️
For this activity I had to create a game that could be played with family and is also made out of household materials. My one was extremely simple, all I did was fill up a large container with water, grabbed 2 straws and a single jar lid. The game is to try your hardest to use your straw to blow the jar lid to your opponent's side of the water-filled container.
Here's some footage of me and my cousin playing ⬇️
For this activity the task was to create a factsheet on either Matariki or Kupe. I chose Matariki as there are much more information sources on it then there is about Kupe. I created small list involving different Matariki facts. 🡇
The list of stars and their meanings
Waiti -Freshwater, waiti is the star of freshwater, its inhabitants and food that comes from it.
Waita -Saltwater, things like the ocean, its inhabitants and foods that come from it.
Waipuna Rangi -Skyfall, rain, hail and snow.
Tupuānuku -Everything harvested from the ground/soil.
Tupuārangi -Food and birds that grow in trees eg. berries and birds.
Ururangi -Wind, determines how indy it will be.
Hiwa-i-te-rangi -Wishing, hiwa is the youngest star and the one people wish on.
Pohutukawa -A constant reminder to think of and remember those who have passed on.
Matariki -Practically the mother star as her main point is the health and wellbeing of others.
Matariki is a star cluster, not a constellation.
In english Matariki is called the Pleiades, of the seven/nine sisters.
In hawaiian Matariki is called either Makali ‘i or eyes of royalty.
In japanese Matariki is called Subaru meaning ‘gathered together’.
Different iwi (tribes) have different theories/beliefs on how the stars became.
Some iwi believe that matariki is the mother of the 6 stars waiti, waita, waipuna rangi,
One matariki theory involves the nine sisters to relate to the tale of Ranginui
The Get Cooking task was :
Make something for your whānau, it might be a meal or some baking.
Take photos of what you make and write the instructions for what you did.
Here are the instructions + Photos
This is my first blogging activity for the holidays. The task was to complete these math problems called mixed socks and 3 block towers. Here's my take on the problems ⬇️
Have a good holidays!
On Mondays recently we have been working on our own scratch games, our task was to create a game on scratch. My game is called strawberry catch, the aim is to catch as many strawberries as you can. I still need to figure out how to end the game when you lose too many strawberries and to start the game with a play button instead of just going straight into the game.
Here is a link to the game scratch game
In class recently we have been writing narratives. Our topic was something related to Matariki in some way. I found this easy as I worked with a partner the entire time. Our next step is to write our problem arising.
Here's our orientation ⮯
Sheltered by extensive mountains a dulcet breeze sways through a quaint, picturesque town, illuminated by warmth, radiating from the glistening sun. Aletheia, Fawn, wavy hair gliding in the wind, overshadowing her heavenly face. Emerald eyes glimmering with optimism and sending contentment to others around her aura. Amira, short, disheveled hair colored a winsome golden sits atop of a fair, slender profile. Deep purple eyes reflecting a kind positivity onto others. Her clothing very softly colored. A cheeky, impatient and adventurous young woman with the mindset of an innocent child.
Our task this week was to write a poem about a time when you have either been bullied, witnessed someone else being bullied or been a bully yourself.
This is my poetry ⬇️
Our task in class today was to create a DLO about something we learnt in maths last term. I chose proper and improper and improper fractions.
My DLO is below ⬇️
This is my sixth blogging acitivity
Our task was to complete a piece of writing about trolls in our own words
Here is mine ⬇️
This is my fifth blogging activity
Our task was to create a DLO including atleast 5 facts about Anzac]
Heres mine ⬇️
Today in class we did easter activities
Me and my friend Kaia did the digital breakout called "Broken eggs and Broken dreams"
Shockingly we finished it and got all the answers
I'm not gonna put the answers on here it isnt a cheat sheet
We found this task really difficult but soon we got the hang of it. I never want to do it again Our next step would be to complete it in the time limit
This week we were learning to write facts in our own words
Our task was to do this with the animal Wolverines
My writing ↓
Wolverine Writing - Shanaya
Wolverines are formidable animals; their appearance resembles a small bear but they are actually the largest animal in the weasel family.
Wolverines have a partial vegetarian diet considering they eat things like plants and berries but this does not make up their entire diet. They are vigorous animals with a desire for meat. They can easily slaughter smaller animals such as rabbits and rodents and sometimes they’ll attempt to slaughter animals twice their size such as elk, deer and caribou. Individual wolverines may travel about fifteen miles in search for food.
Male Wolverines scent-mark their territories but share them with several female wolverines, they are believed to be polygamous. Females den in the snow or similar cover to give birth to two or three young kits. Female wolverines will care for their kits until they reach their reproductive age at about two years old.
Our Task today was to complete and publish our narrative writing that we started a few weeks ago. My Narrative is called The Hillsburn disaster. To sum it up its about two poor siblings that live in an apartment in Hillsburn city who come home from work one day only to see that their apartment had set on fire.
My writing ↓
The Hillsburn Disaster
“Hurry up Lindsay!” Mateo bellowed from across the apartment.
“I’m coming just hold on a second jeez!” Lindsay wailed.
Mateo ran out the door while shouting “I’m Leaving without you!”. Hearing this made Lindsay grab her bag and race out the door at full speed just so she could catch up to her brother. Unsurprisingly Lindsay caught up to Mateo and they were now walking calmly next to each other down the boardwalk of Hillsburn City. Mateo is a quiet, reluctant and wise person whereas Lindsay is more athletic and extroverted. Mateo prefers to wear neutral tones and does not like to stand out while on the other hand Lindsay likes to wear pastel colours and standing out isn’t her favourite but also isn’t that complex of a task for her.
It was a clement day in Hillsburn city, morning mist traveling through the air calmly. Mateo was finishing off his shift at their local coffee shop and started getting ready to head back home. Meanwhile next door Lindsay had finished her shift at the bakery and was waiting for Mateo outside. Mateo and Lindsay had started walking back.
“Hey Mateo?” Lindsay spoke.
“Yeah,” Mateo answered.
“Do you see that smoke over there?” Lindsay pointed towards a cloud of smoke floating in the sky.
Mateo’s eyes gleamed with horror. In a panic Mateo roughly seized Lindsay’s hand and started dashing towards the puff of smoke.
“Mateo what are you doing!” Lindsay shrieked as she was practically being dragged along the boardwalk, Mateo’s mind was flooded with panic as he continued to dash along the boardwalk longing to see what had actually happened. It had been about a minute, Mateo and Lindsay were still darting towards the source of the smoke cloud when Mateo came to a sudden stop.
“Mateo what the h-” Lindsay spoke before she was interrupted by the sound of..
Water.. Large amounts of water gushing all over Mateo and Lindsay's apartment building. Lindsay stayed silent, she didn’t say a single word she just gazed as her home slowly fell apart. Tears slowly started falling down her cheeks as she continued to gaze upon the burnt building. Mateo wrapped his arm around Lindsay’s shoulders as she continued to pour out her tears. Because of the incident Mateo and Lindsay were given a hotel room to stay in for the night but the next day they would have to find their own place.
It was a foggy morning, condensation from the windows pooling on the floor. Mateo grunted as he got out of bed and went to the hotel bathroom where he found Lindsay brushing her teeth.
“Morning..” Mateo muttered.
“Good morning,” Lindsay muffled with her toothbrush still in her mouth. Mateo went to grab his toothbrush and toothpaste and had started to brush his teeth.
“What are we gonna do..” Lindsay murmured.
“I don’t know but we’ll figure something out,” Mateo sighed. Mateo and Lindsay were packing up their things to head out.
Once they had packed up their things they stepped out of the hotel, returned the room key and set off to their part time jobs.
Mateo stepped into the coffee shop and instantly got to work. He would need all the hours he could get to get him and Lindsay into some sort of home. Meanwhile next door Lindsay also quickly got to work. Lindsay had less hours of work by default so she would have to request her boss to give her a few more. Mateo was making a coffee for a customer when one of his coworkers came in.
“Hey Mateo!” Wyatt cried, “Phone call for you!”
“Please give me a second ma’am,” Mateo stated to his customer as he ran off to answer the phone.
“Lindsay someones on the phone for you!” Lindsay’s boss shouted out. Lindsay ran off to answer the phone. The news they heard on the phone left them gobsmacked. What was the news?
Hello, In week 3 we started a piece of art. To make the art we started with a photo of ourselves. Then we used watercolour to paint the images half with cold colours and half with warm colours. Following that we painted our backgrounds aswell and then we used newspaper to fill in our hair. After that we used coloured magazine pieces to cover up our shirts. We then used indian ink to outline all the details. Then we used buttons and letter beads to add any wanted accesories to or art. After that we founds the letters of our names from coloured magazines and stuck them onto squares of coloured paper so we could stick them to the top of our art. Lastly our teacher stuck our art onto black and white sheets of paper and then they were done.
Dialogue is a writing style particularly focused in writing conversations
Here is a photo and under is an example of dialogue
“Why did I agree to do this?” Gerald wailed, “You should’ve brought Janet instead!”
“I probably should’ve brought Janet, she would be screaming way less than you right now!” Semira sneered.
“Well, if I die it's your fault!” Gerald bellowed.
“You’re not gonna die you big baby!” Semira asserted, “Look, we’re almost down!”
“This is it, I’m gonna die!” Gerald cried “I love you mom, I love you dad!”
“Gerald you’re not gonna die!” Semira exclaimed
Dialogue uses speech marks that sit on both sides of the text that a character is speaking.
You must place a piece of punctuation at the end of your dialogue
Example :
"Go away" Sarah cried ❌
"Go away!" Sarah cried ✅
The piece of punctuation has to sit inside the ending speech mark
If you have no need for a question mark or exclamation
mark then you can just use a comma
Example :
"Thank you," Jenna replied
Hi I'm Shanaya and this is my first blog post for 2021. I'm a year 6 at Kawakawa primary school. We have been learning about narrative writing and have also been creating some of our own narratives. We first watched 2 mini movies called "The Snack Attack" and "The Present" and then we picked one to write a narrative about. I chose the Snack attack.