
Thursday, April 8, 2021

Easter Digital Breakout


Today in class we did easter activities

Me and my friend Kaia did the digital breakout called "Broken eggs and Broken dreams"


Shockingly we finished it and got all the answers

I'm not gonna put the answers on here it isnt a cheat sheet 

We found this task really difficult but soon we got the hang of it. I never want to do it again                      Our next step would be to complete it in the time limit

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Wolverine writing


This week we were learning to write facts in our own words

Our task was to do this with the animal Wolverines

My writing ↓

Wolverine Writing - Shanaya

Wolverines are formidable animals; their appearance resembles a small bear but they are actually the largest animal in the weasel family.

Wolverines have a partial vegetarian diet considering they eat things like plants and berries but this does not make up their entire diet. They are vigorous animals with a desire for meat. They can easily slaughter smaller animals such as rabbits and rodents and sometimes they’ll attempt to slaughter animals twice their size such as elk, deer and caribou. Individual wolverines may travel about fifteen miles in search for food.

Male Wolverines scent-mark their territories but share them with several female wolverines, they are believed to be polygamous. Females den in the snow or similar cover to give birth to two or three young kits. Female wolverines will care for their kits until they reach their reproductive age at about two years old.